Grants for short-term mobility for young researchers
FESPB offers grants for short term mobility (until 3000€ depending of the duration of the internship) for young researchers working with a group leader belonging to one of the affiliated National Scientific Societies. The calls are open by the Executive Committee usually in in May (31st) and in November (15th) and publicized through the FESPB website and social media, The Executive Committee decide on this support based on the evaluation of applications submitted at the annual call.
The application must be sent to the Chair of the Grants Committee and to the Secretary General.
The Application form should contain the following information:
- Contact details of two referees
- Address of the receiving institute and contact details of the host institute supervisor who must certificate her/his belonging to a national scientific society affiliated to FESPB
- Letter of acceptance from the guest institution and period of the internship (start and end dates)
- CV
- Your ORCID ID (if you do not have one, please register at
- A summary of the proposed work (max 250 words)
- Keywords (max 6)
- Research proposal (max 1500 words, excluding references). The research proposal should explain the background of the research project and contain a detailed outline of the work to be performed at the host institute. No figures or tables may be included. The research proposal should also contain the biological significance of the proposed work. References in the research proposal should include the complete list of authors followed by the title of the paper, year, journal or preprint server name and details on volume, page numbers, etc.
- A summary of your current work at the Home Institute (max 500 words)
- Benefit to Home Institute (max 200 words)
- Short Justification of the choice of this laboratory (max 200 words)
At the end of the mobility period, the winners must send to the Chair of the Grants Committee and to the Secretary General a short report on the obtained results also signed by his/her supervisor of the receiving institution.
It is also requested that they should mention the FESPB support in the papers reporting data obtained during the mobility period.